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Tuesday, August 26, 2003
death to all ants
Music: Loreena McKennitt, "The Highwayman" (amazing, wonderful song)
Mood: Virtuous Again
Another pat on my back for this evening: Not only did I spend two hours cutting out reflective sheeting into letters for T's derby car (major brownie points there), but I also cleaned the kitchen pretty thoroughly. OK, so this was partly to declare war on the ants who have finally found their way into our house. I don't know if it was the storm last night that decided it for them or what, but after a summer of being the envy of all who knew us, we ended a long ant-free streak today. Little beasts. They are cheerfully carting back mouthfuls (or whatever) of Terro to their nest, wherever it is. Terro is the best ant killer in the world.
This is day, what, ten? eleven? of being stuck at the same weight. I am combining advice from friends and I'm going to do two things differently: First, I am going to aim for 1400 calories per day instead of 1200, to help avoid putting my body into we're-starving-save-the-fat mode. I should still be able to lose at that calorie level, especially if I keep getting some good exercise. And also, I'm going to make sure that I don't eat too many carbs (note, I am not going to do low carbs really, just I *had* been having a lot of them), and that the ones I do eat are mostly from whole grains and things. We'll see if those two things, plus the resolution of the possible hormonal reason for the stalemate, don't help. (if they don't I will scream. Really loudly. And then I will go see a doctor.)
Meanwhile it is again getting late (shameful, absolutely shameful, how that keeps happening every day) and I got a notable lack of sleep last night. More tomorrow...