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Sunday, August 24, 2003
irritation :-/
This is a really irritating five minutes for me. I have a twitch in the muscle at the back of my left shoulder which refuses to go away. My dial-up is messing up and not actually transferring any data (so I am typing this in Notepad and will save it and then post it later when I can do so). And, while I haven't been exactly as strict with myself as I had been this weekend (it WAS a birthday party, after all, and all things considered I HAVE been pretty good -- I didn't even have cake and ice cream!), I don't think I was bad enough to gain two darn pounds! I must be having some [males, avert eyes] premenstrual bloating or something [OK, males, you can look again]. I got a good amount of exercise yesterday, even -- one brisk walk and one casual one. I don't understand it. grr.
Other than that, things are really boring right now; I won't torture you with any detailed descriptions.