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Monday, August 18, 2003


Music: Rebecca St. James -- "Amazing Love"

Mood: Cautious. Very cautious.

Note: don't you hate it when you accidentally hit "alt" instead of "shift" when you're typing and some menu pops up and you've no idea what you've just done?

I just got back from swimming. I swam for 25 minutes, good aerobic heart rate and all. I also managed to nearly inhale half the pool. I am not a coordinated individual and this causes problems when I try to actually swim correctly. In my mom's words (and my mom is a REALLY tactful person, so you know if she says something harsh, it's really ten million times worse than that), I have always managed to look like I'm in the last seconds of drowning when I swim. I don't feel that way, but apparently I really look it. (I don't dance well either. Perhaps Mom would compare that to an epileptic seizure?) I did manage to learn how to swim with enough form to barely squeak by in the one or two brief swimming units we had in high school PE (no, our high school doesn't have a pool. ha! It doesn't even have a cafeteria! no, we rode school buses to the town pool for PE class). But then ten or eleven years went by before I set foot in a pool without a child. Anyone who has children knows that you can't actually swim while they're in the pool; you have to be constantly supervising. So I hadn't actually tried to swim in quite a while, and that brief spurt of knowing something about form had flown out the proverbial window. So I look moderately ridiculous when I swim (and that's even without the swimming cap), but it's good exercise and I like being in the water so I endure the knowledge that everyone goes home and laughs at me, and I just do it. Anyway. Tonight I was trying to make my body remember how to do the crawl stroke and I kept getting my timing off and inhaling while my face was in the water. Very poor idea. Also, I managed to really rip something in my shoulder -- which, while being a good excuse to stop before I drowned, is not very pleasant. I have a stabbing sort of pain from the top of the right side of my neck down to my upper arm. It even (horrors!) hurts to type. Notice how I am persevering; aren't I a very strong person? My massage therapist friend is always telling me whenever I ask (which is often) when to ice and when to use heat. And I know because of this that heat is NOT for injuries, but man, it seems like a heating pad on there would feel unbelievably good right now.

And now I am totally famished. The little demon on my shoulder is telling me to go ahead and eat something; I DID work out after all. Get thee behind me; I am not wasting this pain! We are almost out of diet Cokes. I suppose (sigh) I can drink water. ;-) I do need to make some iced tea; I have made almost none this summer, can you believe that? ("Perhaps," my logical self reminds me, "this has something to do with the 28 pounds of diet Coke cans your son recycled today?")

I have just looked at the fish tank and realized that I can barely see the gravel at the bottom through the leftover food. (that plecostamos is NOT earning his keep!). So I will be all virtuous and go take care of that now.


Posted by Rachel on August 18, 2003 07:25 PM in the round of life | weight loss (or not)