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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

bleak and gray... Fresno will do that to you...

yuck. What a day. I had to go to Fresno again. I swear, if you ever want to feel thoroughly stressed out, pick yourself three or four places you have to go on Blackstone Avenue, and then go to them during lunch hours. It's not necessary to space them out too much -- but let's say you have to get on and off the freeway twice, and drive at least two major lights' worth. If, I dunno, you have on a holter monitor and your doctor says you have to find out what happens to you under stress, I can personally guarantee that this will do far better than a treadmill would. Bonus points for adding in two wonderful but energetic and hungry children; bonus points also for spending more than you'd planned to spend buying supplies, food, decorations, and favors for a 4th birthday party, as well as a handful of school supplies.

Anyway. Today was not SO awful. Really it wasn't. But I just hate, hate, hate having an agenda and a limited time in any city, because things will go against you. I wonder if anyone has ever done a study on the contrast in per-capita suicide rates between small-town people and city dwellers. I have felt so gray and tired all afternoon that in trying to fiddle with a new template idea, all I could come up with was this bleak plain gray, black, white, and navy thing. I'll try again tomorrow. sigh.


Posted by Rachel on September 16, 2003 09:53 PM in I'm going crazy; want to come along?