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Tuesday, September 23, 2003

sinus hell

In some ways today is really pretty lame. For a week and a half I have felt all sinusy and gross, and I am hoping that today is kind of a last-hurrah for that, as it's worse than it's been to date (this happened with morning sickness -- setting an unfortunate precedent, I fear, because since that time, I always expect any ailment to go away the day after it gets really bad, and I'm often disappointed). I have felt like doing absolutely nothing all day. We got through school, without enthusiasm on any side, to tell the truth. Then, I sat. And sat. And filled out a stupid survey. And sat some more, looking around at the wreckage of my living room like I had no control over it at all. Finally, I struggled upright, ate some leftovers from last night (yummy -- chicken cacciatore, I haven't made that in ages), and tidied up just a bit, while on the phone with T, who pretty much told me it was OK if I didn't do a whole lot. At least I hope that's what he said... I'm in kind of a fog. Don't you hate it when you bend over and your head just feels like it's going to explode all of a sudden? ouch.

But all is not lost. The kids are having a nice, fun day -- they just got done having a water fight in the front yard, where it is still way over ninety degrees. (hello, God, it's autumn now, just thought I'd remind you). They're being good and cooperative. And I feel like Silas Marner, looking at my lovely stack of twelve-packs of diet Cherry Coke. And the house isn't so bad, although I really do need to do something about the kitchen floor. Not now, though. Anyway, things could be a whole lot worse than they are.

With that, I'm going to go put up my feet and read something, I think. mmm. yes.


Posted by Rachel on September 23, 2003 03:04 PM in I'm going crazy; want to come along? | health