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Tuesday, October 07, 2003

a little birdie, just had to share

There is a bird (I don't know what kind, I'm not very good at that) just singing its little birdie heart out outside my house. Full-volume, very insistent warbling, for about the last four minutes -- just amazing. I feel like I should go outside and give the little guy some applause, or something, so he'll know his work is appreciated and doesn't stop. Barring that, however, since it would probably be counterproductive, I just hope he gets the attention of the prettiest girl bird ever hatched as his reward. :)

Another random item of note (2:12 p.m.): When you have an antiquated Pleistocene-era PC like mine, and you are listening to your bootleg downloaded copy of Barenaked Ladies' "Another Postcard" (I don't feel guilty because I'm buying the album as soon as it comes out ;-) and doing something else on said elderly machine which requires much RAM (like, say, selecting and deleting large quantities of emails), the stutter effect produced in the music creates an additional level of humor in this already-zany song. You should try it.


Posted by Rachel on October 7, 2003 01:27 PM in the round of life