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Thursday, October 30, 2003

fall, yay!

Today it is as if someone flipped a switch and all of a sudden fall is here. Two days ago it was 85 degrees. Tonight it's under 40 and it won't get above 55 tomorrow. Leaves are starting to turn and fall, the light has that golden slanty autumnal look to it, and C and I were wearing matching red sweaters today. Red sweaters and autumn days just belong together. Overall, I would be loving this to bits, and I am enjoying it, but without having had any rain it's not safe to build a fire in the woodstove -- and the woodstove is the only way to heat this house. So we made brownies tonight, to warm the house up a bit, and we're going to all pile into my bed tonight and put a bunch of extra blankets on it to keep us warm. Tomorrow there's a good chance of rain, so we'll probably be able to have a nice toasty fire tomorrow evening, and I'll send the kids to bed early and sit up for a long time reading a scrumptious Victorian novel. (I'm thinking I'll get Pickwick Papers tomorrow -- I've never read that one yet).

I have two very happy children. We ordered VHS copies of the Star Wars trilogy (IV, V, VI) and they arrived in today's mail. The kids couldn't even get out of the post office before they were literally giggling with glee. And gee, guess what's on right now. Bet you can't. ;-)


Posted by Rachel on October 30, 2003 08:00 AM in the weather and the state of the roads
