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Thursday, October 23, 2003


So far my day has been quite amusing. I read in a weblog that Howard Dean has an A rating from the NRA, and I went to verify that and I found this page (Howard Dean on Gun Control). [side note: this is not actually pertinent to this story, but I was a little blown away that on this issue he actually seems more of a libertarian than a Democrat.] Then I was clicking around -- they have a very useful section of links where you can find either that candidate's views on other issues, or other candidates' views on that issue -- and through a series of links I wound up clicking on a link to "Hillary Clinton on Morals and Values." The result? 404 -- "Not Found." I'm sorry. Perhaps I'm easily amused today. But that just seemed so totally fitting.

And while I'm being easily amused, check out this guy's ebay listing. It's a riot.


Posted by Rachel on October 23, 2003 12:00 PM in I dunno, I thought it was funny...