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Saturday, October 25, 2003

maybe tomorrow will be better

Sad day today. Jared, one of the JMML kids whose stories I've been following, died this morning. JMML is Juvenile Monomyelocytic Leukemia and it is a hell of a disease, with a very low survival rate even with treatment. sigh.

On the home front it's been a lazy, quiet, mildly depressed kind of day. We did go to the SPCA's rummage sale, where I bought even more books. I thought about driving over to the coast to go to a Diana Gabaldon book signing, but sanity set in and I realized how foolish that would be, considering the following:

  • I am not going to buy the book she's promoting on her current tour (Lord John and the Private Matter). I was talking about that a couple of weeks ago. And I already got my Outlander series -- the only other books I have of hers -- signed. I did think briefly about doing some Christmas shopping and getting signed copies for someone, but I couldn't think offhand of anyone who would want them.
  • The coast is a little over three hours away.
  • The book signing/talk starts at 7:30. Do the math.
  • I would be bringing both kids -- and if DG is still opening her book talks with the same joke about socks as birth control, I wouldn't want them there even if they would sit still the whole time.
  • The last time I went to a Diana Gabaldon book signing, our car died partway there and we had to buy a new (used) one to finish our trip. I'm not superstitious ordinarily, but with my husband 300 miles away, I didn't want to press my luck.

Overall, it just didn't look like a good idea, even though thinking about it as a possibility brought about one of the few moments of actual enthusiasm and excitement in my day.

I just sat here for like three minutes trying to think of something that would make me feel cheerful or excited. Nope, nothing. I must be really tired. And now T just called, and said that it looks likely that on Tuesday, instead of coming home, if the fire he's on is under control, they'll just roll him over to another fire. I think I'll go to bed and cry. sigh.


Posted by Rachel on October 25, 2003 12:00 PM in serious stuff