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Wednesday, October 15, 2003

the diary curse is coming upon me

Note: It is happening. It just took longer than I predicted it would in my first entry. I have gone from multiple entries a day, through one entry a day, and now I've begun skipping. I do hope that I'm still writing in this thing a month from now.

It's not so much that my life has been boring, either, it's just that I haven't felt much like writing about it. Our trip to the zoo on Monday was nice. We also did a bit of shopping (you can't possibly take a trip to the city without buying at least a few things that are unavailable up the hill). T went to Harbor Freight, which, for the uninitiated, is a kind of Oriental Trading Company of hardware stores. Everything's cheap, in more ways than one, but if you're looking for certain things (like tools for a kit that will be in the car for emergencies) it's a decent place to go. It's also a man magnet. C and I were the only females within two blocks of that store, I think. And, like paintball stores, auto body websites, and telescope accessories catalogs, it's the kind of place where I should just automatically double his pre-shopping spending estimate. I did have plenty of time to sit in the car and finally read the instruction manual for our new car stereo, though. (hey, it DOES have a clock!)

Here's a bit of advice: If you're trying to cut back the amount of time you spend at the computer, do NOT get a CD burner and a cd player for your car during the same week. Let's just say it's counterproductive. But now I have all kinds of cool stuff to listen to in the car.

I am trying to figure out what book I want to buy next week (oh, what a happy kind of decision to have to make! And I'm going to eat at Olive Garden too, all by myself!). I'm going to be spending two hours next Friday afternoon donating platelets, and I'll want a paperback book (I just see that being so much easier to handle with a needle in each arm), one I haven't read before that will really draw me in. I have a $18 book to return at Borders, and a $25 gift certificate for Barnes and NOble, and they're right across the street from each other in Fresno (whose bright idea WAS that?), so I should be able to get pretty much anything I want. I'm thinking I might get Jane Austen's juvenalia, if it's available in the store, but then I'm also thinking I might want something a little lighter and more modern since I'll want to be totally absorbed in it. If anyone has any recommendations, leave a comment. :) Thanks.


Posted by Rachel on October 15, 2003 12:00 PM in boring blog-related stuff | the round of life
