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Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Unconscious Mutterings

Yet another Friday-Five-ish prop for when I don't have the energy for a real entry:

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Country:: USA
  2. G:: spot. (Sorry, you'd almost think I was male, wouldn't you.)
  3. Offer:: refusal (that's more typically feminine of me, isn't it.)
  4. Connection:: link
  5. Quest:: game
  6. Lighthouse:: stormy
  7. Sycamore:: spiky
  8. Inhumane:: cruelty
  9. Sneer:: sarcasm
  10. Weapon:: useless (where did THAT come from?)


Posted by Rachel on October 22, 2003 12:53 PM in oh, great, another meme