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Monday, November 24, 2003
Calgon, take me away!
OK, so it wasn't precisely Calgon, it was melon-scented kids' bubble bath (thank you C). But it was a nice, dim, hot candlelit bath, and I feel so-o-o-o much better. mmm. All melty and relaxed and tired.
Also (you are all strictly forbidden to cast this up to me at any time in the future, understand?), there is definitely something therapeutic about getting a job done. The kids' rooms are clean, I have a bunch of laundry folded and some put away, and, while it's not exactly ready for Thanksgiving dinner, the house is probably at a level where I wouldn't be ashamed if someone dropped by. Of course this means that nobody WILL drop by, they'll wait until there are dishes stacked on the counters and last night's cooking pots on the stove and a veritable explosion of toys, laundry, papers, and shoes all over the living room, and then they'll drop by. Especially my in-laws. Ack. Anyway. It feels better and clearer to have that done. But the bath was definitely the kicker, the catalyst between "it will take me twenty minutes to fall asleep and I'll wake up five or eight times in the night and in the morning my jaw will be sore from grinding my teeth" and "I will be asleep like a warm limp rag fewer than eleven seconds after I achieve a horizontal state." Speaking of which....