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Saturday, November 01, 2003

He's coming home!

T called tonight and said that he is coming home on Monday. I am so totally jazzed. Only two more "sleeps".

It's ironic in a frustrating way, the things that have gone wrong while he's been gone. His two areas of emphasis in his job life have been electronics/telecommunications (in the Navy and for the past 2 1/2 years at his current job) and automotive mechanics (his teenage job and nine years as an adult in a machine shop). And what are the two things that wait till he's gone to break? Our phone system on Thursday, and now, today, our car. After a phone consultation, our theory about the car is is (you don't live with a mechanic for 9 1/2 years without learning a good deal of stuff by osmosis, so yes, it is our theory ;-) that it's either the fuel pump or the starter. It turns over and over and over but never starts. Yesterday it did this also, but just at the last possible moment before I would have to stop trying to start it, in order to save the battery from being completely wiped out, it started, and then proceeded to start just fine every time we needed it to for the rest of the night. Today, when we were heading out to my parents' house for my grandmother's birthday party, we weren't so lucky. So I have the loan of my parents' van until T has time to fix the problem. At least, for once, this happened when we have ready money for parts, thanks to the overtime he's been slaving away at for the past week.

Good news though -- I bought myself two pairs of size 12 jeans yesterday and they fit, they really fit! I actually am officially a size 12! That's a number I'm glad to see -- especially if it's on its way to a 10, but hey, even on its own merits I'll take it gladly in exchange for the 14s I was busting out of this summer. I had been putting off buying or trying on any clothes in stores, because I was afraid of that awful feeling when the size you think you should be buying doesn't fit. But I only had one pair of long pants that actually fit me well, so it was time to buy some more. I got them at Goodwill, for $2 a pair. Go me. :) (also a red ribbed turtleneck for $2 which I think suits me nicely. I love Goodwill).

Posted by Rachel on November 1, 2003 10:37 PM in marriage
