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Thursday, November 13, 2003
kids' therapy
Those of you who are mothers (fathers? any fathers at diaryland?), you know those moments when you're doing something with your children and you look at them and just know exactly what they're going to say to their spouses (or perhaps their therapists) in twenty years about that very moment? Tonight I had one of those.
LT [TWENTY YEARS HENCE, LYING IN BED LATE AT NIGHT WITH HIS WIFE HAVING ONE OF THOSE PENSIVE MARRIED-PEOPLE TALKS]: Yeah, it was after an Awana club meeting. Mom and Dad had this idea that we'd go to a restaurant and get pie and cocoa for dessert, and of course we're kids so that sounded great even though I'd just had a candy bar AND a sucker at the meeting and my sister had had this little four-year-old's snack with crackers and peanut butter. It's pie and cocoa, right? And I'm sure Mom and Dad thought it would be this nice family bonding time. Except I was just too damn full, and feeling sick from all the chocolate I'd already had, and I ordered this chocolate cake and it came and it was almost ALL frosting and I just hated frosting. And my sister kept insisting the cocoa was too hot even though it wasn't, and she got her sleeve in her pie like four times. And Mom just had diet Coke, even though we had, like, hello, a refrigerator full of diet Coke at home, because she was on her perpetual diet, except she ended up eating most of my cake. Dad was trying not to be mad and Mom was sitting there begging him with her eyes not to get mad and it was just a mess. I felt bad for them, they meant it to be so much fun for us and it just ended up being stressful for everyone. Man.
Oh well. It could be worse, right?
Speaking of my perpetual diet, I was down two pounds today from last Thursday, woo hoo! I'm back down to my lowest weight so far -- 172, halfway to my goal. Of course that was before the cake tonight...
Posted by Rachel on November 13, 2003 12:00 AM in motherhood
| weight loss (or not)