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Saturday, November 22, 2003
brief entry. cut wood, pulled brush today. free heat all winter is nice, but i think i may never move again. typing painful. had a nice hot-dog roast though. more tomorrow.
I'm feeling slightly more mobile, but not entirely better. However, while piling up brush today, I managed to poke myself in the eye (why no, my name is not "Grace." What made you ask?). I was quite surprised that I could still see out of it -- in fact, based on the amount of pain it caused, I was surprised to discover that the copious quantity of fluid (well, copious relative to the amount of fluid that usually comes out of an eye; not copious compared to, say, Yosemite Falls in April) pouring from my eye was not blood, or any kind of weird eyeball stuff, but just tears. In fact within minutes I felt pretty much normal, except that I had (and have) this really strange headache behind my eye. A bruisy kind of headache. No pressure or I'd be dashing straight to the ER, imagining brain swellings or something. You know me, Miss Rational. And now the eye is beginning to sting again. Infection maybe? It kind of feels like an infection. Oh, those get so pretty, really happy to think about having one during Thanksgiving week, don't you envy me? I am really hoping I do not have to go to the doctor about this. It's amazing, our insurance company saves tons of money, I'm sure, by simply making it such a freaking hassle to get them to pay medical bills that their subscribers would rather go to their local Native American shaman* and pay in animal hides than make an appointment at the clinic. I won't go into examples, there are too many and my hands still aren't totally back to normal and it would just raise my blood pressure unnecessarily.
* no Native American shamans were harmed during the typing of this entry.