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Monday, November 17, 2003

the ballet lesson and other stuff

C's ballet lesson today was just precious. There's no other word for it. Unfortunately since we haven't bought a digital camera yet (although it's in the works), and Snappy sucks and I don't have it installed on this machine anyway, I can't post pictures yet. I'll have some up when I get the film developed, and you will agree, "precious" is the only suitable word. The studio hasn't changed in the ten years since I was last there (nannied for a family whose daughter took ballet there), and there's just nothing more precious (really! with all its connotations) than a gaggle of 4-year-old girls in ballet clothes running around on their tiptoes to the tune of scratchy vinyl LP music (the same music she played when I had ballet lessons 20 years ago, I'm sure it's the same records), there just isn't.

I am feeling all this parental guilt, though, because now things are uneven. As far as scheduled weekly activities go, C has ballet and Awana and Sunday school. LT just has Awana and Sunday school. Maybe this is how families wind up with five different activities for every day of the week. We've been contemplating Cub Scouts for LT but they meet on the same night as our Bible study so we're still just thinking about it. That's as far as we're going; I refuse to do soccer and all that (LT doesn't want to anyway). I simply won't. Maybe gymnastics...

Today I experimented and made mini meatloaves (in muffin tins), for the sake of speed of cooking. I wholeheartedly regret this now; I ate too many of them (BAD me!) and now just typing about them is making me nauseated. urrrgh. For the record, however, if you should want to try it, it does make cooking much faster, but cleanup is a royal pain, especially when the smell is making you sick to your stomach. Oh, please, can we talk about something else?

I finished a book today. I've been reading a new-to-me Maeve Binchy, Circle of Friends. I really do like it; it may be my favorite of hers so far. I love how real her characters always are, and in this one she does an even more masterful job than usual of exploring the relationships among her characters. If you like that sort of book I can definitely recommend this one.


Posted by Rachel on November 17, 2003 08:00 PM in nose in a book | the round of life
