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Monday, December 01, 2003

happy list

Today is hard to describe without a list. Sorry, ANOTHER one, yes. Today I...

  • ...found my way onto the DSL superhighway, OH yeah. :)
  • ...folded a lot of laundry and actually didn't mind it (but don't ask me if I've put it away)
  • ...had a good chat with a good friend
  • ...drove in the rain, listening to Christmas music
  • ...drove up the hill to my house and saw my own Christmas lights at night for the first time (including my "I Can Conquer The World" icicle lights)
  • ...watched "When Harry Met Sally"; laughed at the funny parts, longed for those CLOTHES, contemplated female friendship
  • ...got a whole lot of childish hugs and kisses (and more than a few marital ones too, of course)
  • ...watched my little ballerina daughter and her new best friend whisper secrets, kiss cheeks, and walk with arms entwined
  • ...bought two tickets to the Nutcracker, for the aforementioned ballerina daughter and myself
  • ...turned the calendar to December, which, if I had to choose a favorite month, would be it.
  • ...measured my waist (for a new skirt) for the first time since the summer, and found that I've lost five inches from it in that period of time. (high fives all around)

In other words, I am indeed blissfully content (joyful sigh).


Posted by Rachel on December 1, 2003 10:00 PM in the round of life
