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Monday, December 15, 2003

Laugh-Out-Loud Time Waster for Wednesday, December 15th

A little laugh brought to you (to me, anyway) courtesy of Babelfish and Altavista:

This is what happens when you translate Friday night's entry into French and back:

Things I will be sure to remember after this evening:

Anyhow happy you must adapt in a dress which you could not wear during years, really should try to you to downwards rest in it before you the use it with an event where you will sit down. In this way you can discover in front of time if it transforms as by magic your section median into rather decent imitation of the man of Michelin any time that you slacken in resting position, and plane around that.

the coat + the tights of crepe skirt Floor-length + of wools calf-length = more static cling than you ever saw apart from an advertising film of sheet of desiccator of rebound. FYI Right.

Carrying lodging when one does not have the heels used in a really long time should be gradually approximate, like the development. The exaggeration of him the first harms outside is not a wise idea. The attention with this would also eliminate the possibility of discovering as you obtain equipped who the only pair of marine-blue shoes that you have are a too small half-size.

In spite of this little of minor lesson, and makes that I never found a restaurant to eat with still as a long time as I live (I completely never saw resembling it of jambalaya this eew), double density and I had this evening an absolutely sensational time. I will not enter a ton of details and will not annoy you all, but we looked at enough, we were treated as the ladies everywhere that we went, perfectly comprised double density, the ballet was superb, the music was astonishing, and I am even parvenu not to feel me as a dolt once (thanks to the fact that one time that I discovered the thing of statics-fixing, I just did not remove my coat when I walked around). Not ONCE THAT all the evening, not even when I was parking or control around in a sector familiar semi-little or anything. It IS an enormous achievement for me.

It took me a minute to figure out that "double density" is C, i.e. "Dear Daughter". Too funny. This is a lot of fun; try it yourself with an email (and Russian maybe?) and see if you can waste a few hours at it. :)


Posted by Rachel on December 15, 2003 12:00 PM in I dunno, I thought it was funny...
