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Thursday, December 18, 2003

life is good!

I hope putting this here doesn't completely tweak out my template for this entry (you can click on this picture to see it in better detail). I just had to post about how good my life is:

Note: I am relaxing on the couch. I am reading a nice thick WONDERFUL book. I have a diet Coke. It is lovely autumnal woodstove weather and I am wearing my red ribbed sweater and my new schoolgirl skirt (which, don't you just know, T just can't stand. Um, that's sarcasm). Also, this is one of the first pictures taken by our new-to-us digital camera.

Pardon me, must dash back to the couch; I just wanted to share.


Posted by Rachel on December 18, 2003 08:00 PM in pictures | the round of life
