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Friday, December 26, 2003

old letters

Short entry tonight, I'm very tired. But I had fun this afternoon/evening, reading some old letters I'd written to a friend years ago; she sent them to me and I'm to send them back. I was quite a pitiful person at 18; so many plans that fell apart (and were pretty stupid to begin with), so many vows to get over the same worthless idiotic guy, so many execrable poems. OK, so four poems. At least, four that I'd sent her that she sent back to me. gag. Anyway. It was really fun to read them, and I'm amazed how much neater my handwriting was back in the days when I actually, well, wrote things. I was inspired to buy a really chintzy $1.99 pad of stationery at the grocery store and start actually writing letters. We'll see how long that lasts. The first one is going to be a thank you for the opportunity to stumble down memory lane like a loon. :)


Posted by Rachel on December 26, 2003 10:37 PM in the round of life