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Saturday, December 13, 2003

the Nutcracker ballet

Things I will be sure to remember after tonight:

No matter how glad you are to fit into a dress you haven't been able to wear for years, you really should try sitting down in it before you wear it to an event where you will be sitting down. That way you can find out ahead of time if it magically transforms your midsection into a fairly decent imitation of the Michelin Man anytime you relax in a sitting position, and plan around that.

Floor-length crepe skirt + calf-length wool coat + tights = more static cling than you've ever seen outside a Bounce dryer sheet commercial. Just FYI.

Wearing heels when one hasn't worn heels in a really long time should be approached gradually, like working out. Overdoing it the first night out is not a wise idea. Attention to this would also eliminate the possibility of discovering as you're getting dressed that the only pair of navy-blue shoes you possess are a half-size too small.

In spite of these few minor lessons, and the fact that I found a restaurant NEVER to eat at again as long as I live (I have never seen jambalaya look quite like that. eew), C and I had an absolutely smashing time tonight. I won't go into a ton of details and bore you all, but we looked pretty, we were treated like ladies everywhere we went, C behaved perfectly, the ballet was superb, the music was amazing, and I even managed not to feel like a dolt once (thanks to the fact that once I discovered the static-cling thing, I just didn't take my coat off when I was walking around). Not ONCE the whole evening, not even when I was parking or driving around in a semi-unfamiliar area or anything. THAT is a huge accomplishment for me.


Posted by Rachel on December 13, 2003 12:00 AM in the round of life