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Thursday, January 15, 2004
First it was the icicle lights. And now, today, I have CONQUERED THE TOILET-PAPER HOLDER. Using a Yankee screwdriver and my own wits, I, and I alone, performed this very Tim-Allen-grunt-grunt installation. We've just started renting the apartment and garage that go with our house, in addition to the house itself, so as to have a guest room, school room (separate from LT's room, poor boy has had just a little alcove for a bedroom for months), shop, additional storage space, etc. And the previous tenants, in addition to taking the refrigerator which is supposed to go with the apartment, also apparently took the toilet-paper dispenser. Well, thanks to my extreme buffness, that is no longer a problem. Oo-rah. Improvise, adapt, overcome.
(of course, we won't mention the fact that I bought a shower curtain and neglected to buy shower curtain rings to go with it. ahem)
So far, that apartment is paying for itself, even if in no other way, by causing LT to adore school. The simple act of walking fifteen feet and up a set of stairs has revitalized his interest in the three Rs in an amazing manner. Of course the novelty will wear off fairly soon, but hey, I'll take what enthusiasm I can while I can take it.