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Monday, January 12, 2004
note to self
Note to self:
You know, just because your four-year-old daughter takes ballet lessons and you're all enthusiastic about that, don't assume that it's acceptable to be standing in a semi-public place (like, say, the sink-and-towels segment of a ladies' room while waiting for said daughter to finish in the stall) and suddenly start practicing one of said daughter's ballet "moves." To you, it's a four-count battement frappé, with the arms in second position. To a casual observer, it's extremely bizarre. You know, like that kid (who was, except for the Y chromosome, unnervingly like the juvenile version of you, poor haircut, overdone facial expressions, pop-cultural cluelessness, and all) in About A Boy, with his accidental singing, which, hello, you ALSO do from time to time. For crying out loud, BE AWARE OF WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Thanks.