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Monday, January 12, 2004

what good little munchkins

I am so so proud of my little munchkins. After a day which was, to say the least, NOT the best day of parenting and homeschooling I've ever experienced -- let's just say I had visions of my head exploding all over the living room from the stress, and they weren't pretty -- I had to take them with me to my chorus rehearsal this evening, and they behaved flawlessly. I choose to believe that this is because they love me and know how proper children behave and want to please me and grow up into gentle and competent individuals, and not because they were threatened with the removal of literally all of their very favorite privileges for two weeks if we had to leave the rehearsal because of their behavior. (yeah, it was that kind of day, and what, me delusional?). They were oohed and aahed over; they were aren't-they-cute, look-how-they've-grown-ed-over; they played quietly when appropriate and charmed the room by dancing and singing on the stage during the break. AND they even walked all the way home without complaint. They sure know how to make me feel guilty for having fantasized earlier about sending them to my parents' until they turned eighteen. Not that I would actually have done that to my parents. ;-)


Posted by Rachel on January 12, 2004 10:37 PM in motherhood
