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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Elizabeth Berg and rain
Elizabeth Berg books should come with warning labels. Something like the following:
DANGER. This book may cause sleeplessness. May cause reader to remain awake until 2 a.m. in order to finish in one sitting, even when reader began intending only to read one chapter and go to sleep as reader must get up early next morning for something very important. WARNING. These pages contain sentences which will zing the reader with their eloquent truth, causing reader to re-read said sentences repeatedly just for the painful pleasure of letting said eloquent truths sink in. CAUTION. May cause reader, in 2 a.m. haze, to ponder the meaning of life, love, friendship, marriage, or other topics, with such joy and depth as to induce soppy diary entries which, if written for a public forum, must be deleted before the rest of Western civilization gets out of bed or cause extreme head-shaking and ridicule.
They'd be much safer then.
Also, so much for "sunny California", huh? These are the days they don't show on postcards. It is raining absolute torrents outside, and since our lovely red clay foothill soil reached the saturation point after the first few drops, everywhere the eye can see there is water moving downhill, pushing past grass stems -- "scuse me, scuse me, pardon me, gotta find my own level, scuse me" -- making little creeks on our street, gathering in a small pond at the bottom because the drain grate thingie is always, ALWAYS covered with debris after about three minutes of precipitation. I like it for a change of pace, and because it's cozy inside, but it does cause minor craziness in my kids, so generally I catch that and we end up putting on boots and taking our umbrellas to go outside and stomp in puddles. Sometime right after we got back from Florida, when we were still under that state's 75-degrees-and-sunny envy spell, T heard from one of his friends that the almanac says it's supposed to rain into and possibly through March. Ha ha, we said at the time. DANG! we are saying now, because so far it has come to pass. Yesterday was a rare break from the rain, and it was still cloudy and windy; the forecast says rain rain rain. Good thing I have a quilt to work on and some books on CD, I guess.

Posted by Rachel on February 25, 2004 10:37 AM in nose in a book
| the weather and the state of the roads