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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I think I'll take the rest of the day off

This is the kind of afternoon I am having:

I have the beginnings of an earache. It's (again) my first day back on my strict diet and I am STARVING. Kids are moderately whiny. I am feeling very, very lazy. And just now I had a minor panic attack because for some reason one of my oven racks began vibrating noisily. Was the oven about to explode? Was there some kind of looooong earthquake going on? Demon possession, maybe? It took a while for me to figure out that it was happening because the washer (which is, hello, at the completely opposite end of the house from the kitchen) was spinning. Which, considering that it's never happened before when the washer spun, probably means that I'll go into the laundry room and find that the washer has walked even farther than its previous 2-foot record across the floor. Fun.

At least my bed is made and my kitchen's still remarkably clean (it looks like a normal person's kitchen now. Keeping it that way means that I have become this snappish person whose children don't understand why last week it was OK to do X [just pick something very messy, like, say, having them put the butter and the cheese powder in the macaroni and cheese] but this week it's not). And I've done some laundry. So can I go back to bed now? please?

Posted by Rachel on February 17, 2004 02:37 PM in oh, great, another meme