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Friday, February 27, 2004

the depravity of inanimate things

In Anne of the Island, when Anne is meeting her romantic mysterious dark-eyed suitor during a sudden rain shower, she laughingly says, [and I'm quoting from memory here, but having read this series, oh, about five bazillion times, I think I can be pretty accurate] "It is when my umbrella turns inside out that I am convinced of the depravity of inanimate things." Well, Miss Anne, consider yourself lucky. And not just because Mr. Mysterious just walked into your life, either. Here's what's happened to my "inanimate things" in the past twelve hours. It is a conspiracy, I think.

  • My sewing machine went batty and decided to start pulling about five inches of bobbin thread for every stitch. This is in the middle of a huge jeans-quilt project I've been meaning to do for, oh, say, six years, and finally started this week. I am trying all manner of things to fix it and still may succeed, as I'm putting myself through an emergency sewing machine repair course consisting of taking the bobbin carriage out, fiddling with a screw adjustment, putting it back in, and growling with rage when the problem still exists, over and over. This makes three sewing machines I own, zero of which function properly.
  • My digital camera, my precious free digital camera which has so enriched my already-happy life, decided that it didn't want to do that picture-taking thing anymore. It's sulking, and instead of opening its shutter-whatever nice and wide and taking a nice bright picture, say, like this one, it slouches and whines and rolls its eyes and halfheartedly does whatever it's supposed to do in a very slacking manner and takes a picture like this or this. I am all dismayed. Stupid lame camera.
  • Our plumbing has gone a little haywire. The drains are gurgling and the washer drains into the bathtub and stuff like that. This is a good time to be renting, say I. But a bad time to want to run the dishwasher and the washing machine and flush the toilet all at the same time.
  • My DVD player came on all by itself this morning. Last night I had done the neato trick where you push STOP once instead of twice and you can then start the movie at that same place anytime you want to. Then this morning it just came on, at the same place, with nobody in the room. It woke me up, because even when the TV's off, the sound for the DVD player goes through our stereo speakers. It was all well and good waking up to the more romantic parts of "Pride and Prejudice", it was a little freaky. My rational self says that for some strange reason the DVD player is supposed to start up again twelve hours after it's stopped. But my irrational mind is rather sure that it must be possessed by demons.
So you see? I am thinking it might be nice to go live on an island and eat coconuts. But then I wouldn't have my computer. Never mind.

Posted by Rachel on February 27, 2004 10:37 AM in I'm going crazy; want to come along?