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Friday, March 19, 2004
ten years later

March 19, 2004:

I felt like Miss Havisham, somehow, putting that on. I've been wanting to try it just to see if I could, and today seemed like a good day for it. Here, however, is proof that I am NOT yet at my lowest married weight -- the dress wouldn't quiiiiite button all the way up the back. (and bridesmaids, wherever you all may be: I am truly sorry about the buttons. Please accept my sincere, groveling apologies. Holy COW what was I thinking, to put you through that.) Since this is a special occasion and all, and I don't want to ruin my mood, I'm going to assume, just for today, that the reason it won't close is that my breasts are more robust than they were when I was 19, and leave it at that.
And while we're on the subject of "what was I thinking" I'll just say that apparently no, I did not think my football-player shoulders were QUITE wide enough, hence the enormity of the sleeves. ahem. --------