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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
not QUITE Carrie Fisher
I almost feel witty tonight but it's like when a word is "on the tip of my tongue" -- the witty thoughts just keep slipping away before I can quite catch them. So instead of witticisms, here's something we inflicted on C today (well, she DID beg me to do it):

Honestly? Except for the uneven part and the hair marble thingies poking out, I think it looks really cute, even though (or perhaps because), C being not as hair-endowed as Carrie Fisher was in 1977, the buns look more like little knobs than like, well, like crescent rolls glued to the sides of her head. In fact, when I was a little girl, I wore my hair to school this way on occasion. Just in case you ever wondered why I was so popular. --------