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Saturday, April 24, 2004

santa for a day

I won't bore you all with a long post about my day today. It was a lot of fun; I took my two nephews and my two offspring to the city for an all day zoo/picnic/Storyland/Playland extravaganza. It was all free because it was the once-a-quarter free Storyland/Playland day for zoo members. Also, everyone was very well-behaved, and as an added bonus, I got to feel like Santa Claus all day because the kids had such a fantastic day. This was great for my mood and I'm all relaxed and cheery now. Especially now that my caffeine-addicted self has imbibed a bit of Diet Coke. Aaah.

I am the mother of the epitome of the four-year-old drama queen. She just fell down outside and got one of those scrapes that's visible more because of the dirt than the injury; I sent her to the bathroom to clean it off. Soon her shrieks of "It's blooding!! It's blooding!" filled the house, and if I hadn't been her mom for four and a half years now, I might have been naive enough to do something besides saunter in her direction, practicing keeping a straight face. Sure enough, she had maybe three microns of blood at the end of one of the barely-visible-once-cleaned scratches. Oh dear. I think she'd have loved it if I'd run in a panic to the phone and called the paramedics. She seemed quite disappointed when the blood went away and she didn't even need a Band-Aid.

Pictures from today:

It looks like she's doing a "talk to the HAND" kind of thing, in a four-year-old sort of way, but I think really she was just reaching for something. And the real reason I posted this picture was so that I could show off the denim jeans quilt I made.


If you didn't know this was a ferris-wheel sort of ride, it would look like a really inventive and abusive form of child containment. Not to say that there's never been a day when this would have a certain... appeal*. ;-)

*please don't call CPS; obviously I am so totally kidding. It would absolutely have to have padding before I'd even consider it.

Posted by Rachel on April 24, 2004 10:37 PM in kids | pictures