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Saturday, May 22, 2004
end of an era
Today I decided that with the house clean and our houseguests gone doing touristy stuff for the day, I would finally give in to LT's patient pleading to take down his "shed".

The worst part of this task -- even worse than the Puff-the-Magic-Dragon-ish nostalgic kind of sadness involved, as my mind replayed the video of the first time the smaller, younger version of my great hulking boy had seen the finished house, and how his face had lit up -- was when I found Shelob's evil twin sister lurking along the floorboards. I am not exaggerating when I say that this black widow spider's body was the size of a small walnut, and her legs were long in proportion. I did not know black widows could be this big. At this point all guilt about doing this without T present evaporated, because one look at that monstrous beast and he'd have been on his way to the emergency room. And to think that this demonic being has been living in my child's playhouse -- next thing you know I'll be finding orcs under his bed (ack, no I won't! the nightmares, the nightmares!). Providentially, I had a hammer in my hand and work gloves on, so the evil thing was dispatched quickly, thoroughly, and with much enthusiasm. [shudder]. --------
Posted by Rachel on May 22, 2004 09:37 AM in kids