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Friday, May 07, 2004
Happy Mother's Day To Me
Recipe for an improved day:
1 son with a recycling habit
About fifty pounds recyclable beverage containers
1 daughter with a roll of quarters
1 set of parents, middle-aged, in on the kids' scheme
1 husband, likewise in on the scheme
1 frustrated mommy
1 Lowes ad
1 PORCH SWING, which the mommy's only wanted for, oh, say, eight or ten years.
I had some idea this was coming -- neither of my children are great at keeping secrets, and they'd gone with my parents to trade in LT's recycling this afternoon. But I wasn't sure until the kids arrived home with this big box:

An eight-year-old and a four-year-old, deciding of their own accord (nobody told them to do this! they just knew I wanted a porch swing and had heard me mention in passing that there was one in the Lowe's ad for $70) to pool all the money they have to get their mother a Mother's Day present? That's THE SWEETEST THING I ever heard. I am compelled to hug them, hard, every time I go past one of them. Anyway, T wasn't home yet so the kids and I put it together.
This whole thing just completely turned my day around. It didn't fix any problems, but hey, who cares. :)![]()
Early in the project, a progress picture
C took this one. Whoops.![]()
LT as the photographer![]()
We were using C's hat as a work bucket. (how Mothers-Dayish of us, no?) Note the owner wiggling her way into the picture -- if there's a camera in the vicinity she thinks she absolutely must be in front of it.![]()
That's me, sitting on the finished product. Don't we all love how wonderful our bottoms and legs look when we're photographed sitting down in shorts? grr.![]()
Another one by LT
Posted by Rachel on May 7, 2004 09:37 PM in kids
| motherhood