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Friday, May 21, 2004

pop quiz

I should be in bed now. I really should. I've been busting my butt cleaning all day, and dealing with the stress of getting the kids to clean, and I'm totally exhausted. But here is a little pop quiz before I crash. The subject is "What Will Rachel Learn From Her Experiences Today?"

  1. If I keep my house clean all the time, it won't be so stressful when I'm going to have guests.
  2. Hospitality sucks and should be left to people who don't have two of their own personal Tasmanian devils to mess up the house.
  3. Children should have no toys and only two sets of clothing (one to wear and one to wash), and should sleep in Navy-style bunks in the hall closet, because then cleaning their rooms would be really easy.
And the answer is: NONE OF THE ABOVE! Except possibly #3. But that's not very practical. Seriously, though, you'd think with all the times I've had to do a huge stressful cleanup right before someone arrives, that I'd observe how much easier it would be to simply keep things clean. But I don't. Because apparently I was actually raised by a pack of wild apes on a remote Pacific island, like the ones in The Swiss Family Robinson -- the book, not the lame-o Disney movie -- who keep destroying all the family's settlements until the family goes in and basically blows them all to kingdom come*. I've no idea what happened to the girl my parents brought up. She's probably keeping a very neat house somewhere far, far away.

*that is so NOT a politically-correct book. Animals bothering us? Kill 'em. Animals with usable skins? Kill 'em. Animals good to eat? Kill 'em. Animals interesting to study? Kill a few. Animal/plant/area that could be useful? Conquer its wildness with our wits and abilities. Really it's all very refreshing.

Posted by Rachel on May 21, 2004 09:37 AM in housework and such