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Friday, May 21, 2004
pop quiz
I should be in bed now. I really should. I've been busting my butt cleaning all day, and dealing with the stress of getting the kids to clean, and I'm totally exhausted. But here is a little pop quiz before I crash. The subject is "What Will Rachel Learn From Her Experiences Today?"
- If I keep my house clean all the time, it won't be so stressful when I'm going to have guests.
- Hospitality sucks and should be left to people who don't have two of their own personal Tasmanian devils to mess up the house.
- Children should have no toys and only two sets of clothing (one to wear and one to wash), and should sleep in Navy-style bunks in the hall closet, because then cleaning their rooms would be really easy.
*that is so NOT a politically-correct book. Animals bothering us? Kill 'em. Animals with usable skins? Kill 'em. Animals good to eat? Kill 'em. Animals interesting to study? Kill a few. Animal/plant/area that could be useful? Conquer its wildness with our wits and abilities. Really it's all very refreshing. --------
Posted by Rachel on May 21, 2004 09:37 AM in housework and such