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Monday, May 17, 2004

Valerie's three questions

Valerie asked me three questions in reply to Saturday's post so, as promised, here are the answers. Now, Valerie, I forgot to mention that the idea is that you would now post the same request for three questions in YOUR diary. But you certainly don't have to do that.

1. If you could travel overseas, where would you go?
If money was NO object I'd take a world tour on the Queen Elizabeth II. If money were (was? augh) ALMOST no object I'd take the QEII (or the Queen Mary II now, I guess) to England, travel around Europe for three weeks waiting for the return trip, and then come back. However, since money will always be an object ;-), I imagine I'll have to content myself with dream trips for a looooong time. :)

2. Do you have any goals/things in life you would like to accomplish still?
I would like to take college classes in subjects I enjoy. It's not a huge high priority for me, and I'm not sure I'll even ever get a degree, although I probably eventually will; I do not at ALL regret the decision to have children first and do college later. But I would like to do it because I like learning.

3. Would you like to have any more children?
We are not having any more. I always feel like I need to explain that statement. I used to want and plan on having a really large family, but having had a daughter with a congenital heart defect changed a lot of things. And now our family feels truly complete as it is, and selfish as it sounds, I really am enjoying the fact that my children are more self-sufficient, able to communicate, etc. Having a baby again would be sweet but it would mean getting used to a lot of difficult things that I don't have to deal with any more.

That said, if for some reason we had a whole lot of money all at once I would seriously consider adoption, or embryo adoption.

Posted by Rachel on May 17, 2004 09:37 AM in oh, great, another meme