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Tuesday, June 01, 2004

cleanliness elf. But wait! There's more!

Will the cleanliness elf who took over my body over the weekend please not leave, at least until the end of today? Thank you.

Would you believe that the last dirty load of laundry in our possession is in the washing machine right now? I didn't even know my sorting hamper had a bottom -- I thought it was just like that bag of grain in the Bible that just kept being full no matter how much I took out of it. Also, in order to use the clothesline yesterday, I had to go move the rest of the wood that we'd left lying around after taking down LT's playhouse -- so the whole family got into that and now our backyard looks much better. It's still mown, mostly dead field weeds, with patches of bare red soil, but the key thing is that the wood is all sorted and neatly stacked, either on pallets ready to be chopped into kindling, or on sawhorses ready to be built into THE NEW FORT [insert trumpet fanfare]. AND my tomatoes have been watered twice a day since Friday. AND the sheets are clean (mmm, clothesline sheets) on all the beds AND the beds are made. I don't know what's gotten into me.

However, the dishwasher and dishes need to be dealt with, and the living room is in dire need of some one-on-one time with the dust mop, and someone (why is this always my job?) should deal with the kitty litter. I just don't want to take my eyes off that hamper lest it fill itself back up when I'm not looking.

One project we'll be doing in school today will be countdown paper chains. You know, like you used to make in elementary school at Christmas time, where you pull off one chain every evening and watch the chain get shorter and shorter until finally there is only one chain left one chain and I just pulled that one off so tomorrow morning is Christmas it's Christmas I'll never be able to sleep tonight no never! Well, we do not restrict this sort of anticipatory activity to the holiday season, oh no. We're going to make a chain today which will mark the beginning of swimming lessons, the beginning of our beach vacation, and possibly also the Fair, although a chain with 90 links would be pretty cumbersome, so chances are we'll leave that for after we get back from the beach.

Find of the day: If you have a Regal Cinemas theater near you, check out their Free Family Film Festival this summer. I am amazed; I think this is just a great idea. (and I wonder exactly how scummy it would be for me to smuggle in snacks in my purse instead of supporting their endeavor by dropping $20 at the snack bar for two candy bars and three drinks?)

Posted by Rachel on June 1, 2004 09:37 AM in housework and such
