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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
happy birthday, blissful contentment
I realized yesterday that I missed posting on my journal's first birthday, which was Saturday the 14th. So, belated felicitations to my Diaryland self. This has already lasted far longer than I thought it ever could.I have a good excuse for having forgotten, though -- that being that my life is totally nuts right now and I don't have a whole lot of computer time. I have a 50's-prom-style wedding dress to make for a friend in the next two weeks, fair craft projects to finish by Saturday, a huge data entry project for my father-in-law, a public relations job for the community chorus I'm a part of, plus two kids, a husband, a house, and a miniature Mt. Everest of laundry (again). Yikes. What am I doing sitting here? --------
Posted by Rachel on August 17, 2004 09:37 AM in