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Monday, September 06, 2004
just a few pictures from an evening walk
We went to my parents' tonight for dinner and went on the usual post-dessert walk. I love evening light for taking pictures.
It's become traditional for the kids (and their grandpa) to take off their shoes at the end of the gravel driveway and walk barefoot on the sandy dirt road.
(important note: she chose her own outfit)

Opie in the flesh
(important note: she chose her own outfit)

Opie in the flesh
"If we were as tall as our shadows
How tall our shadows would be"
--"Emily", Emily Climbs
L.M. Montgomery
The kids had traced my shadow on the ground, and then my nephews had drawn my face and hair. Watch out that you don't turn to stone.
Soldiers on the march -- the biggest boy has his air rifle just in case any persnickety varmints present themselves for destruction; the littler ones have sticks to draw "traps" in the road for Grandpa.
Posted by Rachel on September 6, 2004 09:37 AM in the round of life