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Sunday, October 03, 2004
injured T, cute 5-year-old pictures, and Turkish Delight
You know what isn't fun? When your 8-year-old son walks into the kitchen and says, "Daddy fell down and he wants you to come." No, fun isn't what I would call that. It turns out that T was working on a carcass of a car on a trailer, and stepped down backward forgetting that he was four or five feet up in the air. He landed flat on his back and his head was a little whirly for a while. We called the nurse hotline provided by our insurance company (a couple more incidents and we'll be exchanging Christmas cards with those nurses) and now I have a long list of faculties to check, every two hours for the next 24 hours. Fun times. But it could have been much, much worse.
and now for some astoundingly cute C pictures*:
That's the nightgown I made her for her birthday. Because having a daughter is so darn much fun.
*I need to get some pictures of LT up here too. Not that he has ANY idea about what is here... oh please God let it stay that way... but I just feel guilty that the vast majority of the pictures are of C.
Watching "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" (or more specifically, being in the room typing at the computer while T and the kids are watching it) has reminded me of one of life's greatest disappointments: Turkish Delight. I've read that series over and over, starting when I was seven or so, and up until a few years ago I pictured Turkish Delight being a sort of cakey, fudge-consistencied confection, tasting sweet, and with the flavor of coffee and spices. (I can hear non-North-American readers laughing already). Imagine my surprise when a European friend sent me some, and I found it to be exactly like if I were eating my grandmother's rose-scented hand lotion, thickened and dipped in chocolate. Another of life's little disappointments...