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Thursday, November 04, 2004
three things I'm sick of
I've been kind of lying low online for the last few days, because I figure it would be impolite to gloat about Tuesday, and I figure that people need a chance to lick their wounds and rant a bit. However, I do have to say that I'm tired of three things:
1. People assuming that life and freedom have now come to an end. Excuse me, but we conservatives lived through eight years of Clinton and didn't kill ourselves. Most of us didn't even kill anyone else, as much as we may have been tempted to at times. And we weren't exactly pleased with the way things went, but we survived. Life goes on; quit panicking and live it. If you're so inclined, start planning something constructive to do for the next election, or run for Congress, or put a "Run Hillary Run" sticker on your car. Knock yourself out, it's a free country. But everyone knows that whining doesn't solve anything.
2. People denigrating the people who voted for Bush, or acting shocked and horrified that we can even exist. We do exist (in fact, there are more of us than there are of you, not that you would believe this if all you ever pay attention to are your like-thinking friends and the mainstream media), we are just as likely to be intelligent people as you are, and we have reasons for voting the way we did. We don't go around screeching about how unfathomable and evil it is that 48% of Americans could vote for Kerry; all we ask from you is the same courtesy. Erica at Peyton's Place has a great post about this today. Go read it; she said it well and saved me the effort of writing it.
3. The phrase "reach across party lines". Doesn't mean I don't think it should happen. I'm just already sick to death of hearing it.