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Monday, December 27, 2004
In which Rachel is not Martha
Before I go one step (er, keystroke?) further, I must pause to clear up a gross misconception. Here is an example, from Dawn:
Happy Happy and a Merry Merry to you, Miss Rach! Beautiful job on the clothes and the kids too! You're giving me extreeeeme Martha envy, though.
ackity ack ack. You know that little plaque you can get from catalogs that says "Martha Stewart Doesn't Live Here"? That belongs on the wall of my living room. I sew like some people watch TV, because it soothes and relaxes me; I sew because it's a quiet way to spend some time alone doing something I enjoy; I sew because my kids need clothes and it's cheaper to sew them than it is to buy them already made; I sew because I don't like modern fashions for kids and like to be able to get them more traditional-looking things without spending three arms and two legs. Note the absence of "I sew because I am the Queen of Domesticity" on that list, because I SO am not.
Here is a list of things that do not relax or soothe me, and which I do not enjoy, and hence which only get done in this house in a tardy, haphazard manner until there's a reason to do them any other way:
- Dishes. I do them, but generally there's at least a small stack of them on the counter.
- Floors.
- Laundry. I am perenially behind and it's a really great day when nobody has to come to me and ask where s/he could find clean underwear, other than Wal-mart.
- Tidying up. See picture below for example, and note that while my kitchen/dining area is in such a state of disarray, where am I? I am at the computer. Typing a diaryland entry.
I doubt Martha's house ever looked like this, even after dinner for 19, including eight kids:
Those are TOY guns on the chair. Mostly not from Christmas; the kids (including the 35-year-old one) have quite a collection.
So. I hope that clears things up for everyone.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
If I were the person solely responsible for defining what is traditional in my extended family, I would decree that from now on, we would be celebrating Christmas on two separate days: One day for the big dinner with grandparents and cousins and friends, and with the presents to and from those people being exchanged, and another day (Christmas itself) would be reserved just for the small family celebration. It made this weekend SO much nicer, that things ended up that way. It was my favorite Christmas yet, even though it was one of our more broke ones.
Also? it is raining. So my life is totally complete. I think I'll read Jane Eyre this week.