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Thursday, January 20, 2005

this isn't about the ******* painting; it's about the new cat

Instead of telling you all how much I hate ceiling trim and how VERY bad I am at installing it, but how I can't leave it up to T because his wrist is quite likely fractured, I will just show you a picture of the new cat.

Mary does not deign to admit that he exists, except to growl under her breath if he appears. And he will only come out of hiding if it's very, very quiet, and what with the STUPID EFFING TRIM that hasn't been happening today. But he is very friendly and has a fantastic purr. He does not have a name yet; we're kind of waiting to see if his personality is name-able, once he settles in. If he never settles in I guess we'll just call him "the new gray cat" for the rest of his life.

Posted by Rachel on January 20, 2005 01:08 PM in pets


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