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Monday, January 10, 2005

Yosemite pictures

Today the kids and I went and had lunch with T and then headed to Yosemite Valley for an hour or so to take pictures. (oh goody! pictures!). It was GORGEOUS in the Valley today -- still snow on the ground in spite of the fact that it rained there all day yesterday, and so empty of tourists that I felt almost like we had the whole place to ourselves.

These are thumbnails; rather than resizing the images, I cropped them, so you're only looking at a little piece of the picture, and you can click on that to see the whole thing in a new window. I stole this idea from something that dooce used to do.

Yosemite Falls

the kids at Yosemite Falls

Upper Yosemite Fall

fancy a swim?

Bridal Veil Fall

The following are just a very SMALL sample of the gratuitous little waterfalls we saw, which were actually the reason for the trip today. When the ground is saturated and it's rainy, and especially if it's been snowy and THEN turns rainy, you see hundreds (and I am not exaggerating) of these little waterfalls along the highway on the way into Yosemite, ranging from a little trickle to a roaring, well, waterfall, with more water in it than Yosemite Falls has in September.

I took this one as a comparison shot. A month or so ago it looked like this.
Posted by Rachel on January 10, 2005 03:45 PM in pictures


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