« boring medical stuff. Especially boring to those of the male persuasion (you've been warned) | Main | "Mean Girls" and a meme »
Thursday, February 03, 2005
a teeny bit of boring medical stuff, and then a music survey-thingie
Only one quick note in this entry about the whole boring medical thing, and then on to other (boring, but hey, what can I do?) things. I realized today that there is one thing I like about the anemia. I had thought that I had no symptoms at all, except for the low numbers in my blood, but then I remembered: I used to have this really ruddy complexion most of the time. I totally hated it. I remember on my honeymoon I got one of those department store makeovers (which was really crappy, by the way; I'm a brown-warm type, not a coral-warm type), and there was a $25 purchase requirement for it to be free. I spent the whole $25 on a big bottle of this green lotion foundation which was intended to tone down the red in my skin. Now I am more pale, with a few freckles -- no noticeable ruddiness. I am glad about this. If it's because I'm anemic, and if my face starts getting red again as soon as my iron comes back up, I am going to be really ticked off.
OK, that's all. See, that wasn't SO bad.
I made a really, really good salad for dinner last night. Romaine lettuce, yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, red onions, Italian dressing. MMM. I was happy all morning because I knew I was having that salad for lunch. Which reminded me of a time in high school, when I had actually taken the time to make myself a nice salad to eat at lunchtime, and I had a little Tupperware container of dressing nestled down in the bowl with the lettuce and stuff, and I went through the whole morning in pleasant anticipation of that salad. Then I went to get it out of my locker at lunch and it was GONE. Everything else was there -- books, flute, jacket, nothing was disturbed except MY WONDERFUL SALAD which had simply disappeared. I had a picture of Dwight Yoakum in my locker, and from then on I joked that he had eaten my salad. I would write "KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANLT OFF MY SALAD, DWIGHT" or something similar on my lunch bags. That salad today just made me think of that.
Hey, I never said I was sane.
Here is a music survey. You're supposed to wait until someone else with a journal passes it to you, but since I am a social leper even in the world of online journaling, nobody's going to do that, so I'll just do it all on my own. (Oh dear lord I'm turning into my whiny grandmother. Somebody shoot me now. Please.)
1. What are the total amount of music files on your computer?
hold on, lemme check. Apparently 325, including some incomplete ones. And maybe a few duplicates.
2. The last CD you bought was?
Chanticleer, "Sing We Christmas". Chanticleer gives me that Anne-of-Green-Gables-ish "funny ache", along with the book Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Jane Austen (especially the letter-writing scene in Persuasion), dark starry nights, the first sight of the ocean as we drive toward it, both kids hugging me hard at once, a hard snowfall when everyone I love is home safe... shoot, I'll have to do a whole list sometime of things that give me the "funny ache", I guess. But Chanticleer will definitely be on it.
3. What is the song you last listened to before this message?
Well, "The Courier" from the "Last of the Mohicans" soundtrack was on in the car. But C is watching an episode of "Little House on the Prairie" and I was just hearing the theme music from that. I don't think that can count, though.
4. Write down five songs you often listen to, or that mean a lot to you.
oh sheesh. Um. I listen to so many songs, so much of the time, that I can't just do that. I'll try the "mean a lot to me" angle and see what happens.
- Listening to late 80's/early 90's music reminds me of junior high and high school, which is a time from which most of my happy memories of friends and things come, as far as school goes anyway. Tops in this category might be "Stand" by REM. I'd been stood up by the boy I liked most at a dance, and I cried like a whiny baby until the DJ played that song, at which time I pulled myself together and started dancing, and managed to make something fun out of the rest of the evening.
- There's a song by the Mavericks called "Oh What A Thrill". If T and I had a song, this would probably be it.
- Unless it were Loreena McKennitt's rendition of Alfred Noyes' "The Highwayman."
- Christmas music, GOOD Christmas music (like Chanticleer, yum) is some of the happiest music I know. I love Christmastime, especially with kids.
- Our whole family enjoys Vivaldi and Mozart and Bach and basically everyone who composed just about anything until about, oh, 1905 or so (no Debussy, thank you, but we also like Gershwin a lot). When we listen to classical music (in the loose definition of the term, with a lowercase C, not necessarily the Classical era, just classical music) in the car, the kids either pretend to play instruments, or we take turns telling each other what story the music is telling. I enjoy this immensely now, and I think when I'm an old lady and my children are grandparents, I will still cherish the memories of it.
5. Who are you gonna pass this stick to (three persons and why)?
Well, not many people whom I know read this also keep journals, and at least one of them already did this particular survey-thingie. Jennifer, Debi (this means you have to UPDATE, ha!), and Kat -- it's all yours.
I know I promised only that one mention of boring medical stuff but I typed that yesterday. Today I had an echocardiogram. Basically this is all the mess of a sonogram with none of the fun of seeing a little baby wiggling around in his or her little secret place, with the addition of a good dose of embarrassment about bare breasts. Yuck, in other words.