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Sunday, February 20, 2005

back in the saddle again

I did not fall off the face of the earth this weekend. It's just that T thought that he could use MY computer (the nerve!) to play Civilization III, also known as Computer Game Crack as far as T is concerned. So my computer time has been seriously diminished, with the result that my house is a relatively clean, I'm pretty much caught up on laundry, and I've read about three hundred pages of Les Misérables since Friday. I've also almost forgotten how to type. Again I say, the nerve of him. On my computer!
Last night we (well, mostly I, as T was ensnared in the aforementioned web of addiction) watched Lost in Translation. I liked it pretty well, with the exception of a few scenes which I'm sure the director thought were essential but I did not. T hated it. Probably this has something to do with the fact that he only heard it, and it's really a very visually-told story.
Today was my nephew's 6th birthday party. We gave him a dinosaur marionette and a bicycle license plate with his name on it, and I ate more cake and ice cream than I ought to have. Highlight of the afternoon: My two 77-year-old grandmothers (the whiny one and the spunky, feisty one, for those of you keeping track) explaining the concept of some asinine reality TV show to the rest of us ("no, it's not swapping wives like SEX swapping wives..."). Or wait, maybe that was the low point. Also, I actually took some pictures with my brother's (cue Monty Python heavenly chord) NIKON D70. That camera is so far out of my league. I am the total ugly nerd girl freshman who trips over her shoelaces, and it is the supernice intelligent artistic athletic senior guy with the muscles and the great clothes and the perfect hair. Who has to shave. I have such a crush on it. I think I'll go write its initials on my bookcovers.

Posted by Rachel on February 20, 2005 09:28 PM in the round of life


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