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Thursday, February 10, 2005
This morning we had a minor computer disaster. I was elbow-deep in the fishtank, which needed a really thorough cleaning, when a nervous LT came and told me that he'd done something to the computer. We have a screen saver which shows a slideshow of pictures to the accompaniment of a playlist of sound files, and he knew that "F-something" would make it advance through the pictures, and there was one he really wanted to see. So he pushed all the function buttons from F1 to F12, without having hit F-Lock first. So basically, he told the computer: Help, Undo, Redo, New, Open, Close, Reply, Forward, Send, Spell, Save, and Print, and somewhere along the line the whole system froze up so badly that I had to shut the thing off without shutting down for only the second time since we got this computer a year and a half ago. And then when it restarted the email didn't work. He was distraught and apologized repeatedly, profusely, and with tears, which of course made me feel protective of him, rather than angry -- mustn't let him catch on to how that works. And his sister (who was somehow complicit in the whole thing but I didn't quite catch how) wrote me the following letter of apology:

that's a picture of herself crying. and give her a break on the spelling; she's 5.
Who could be angry after that? I ask you.