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Thursday, February 03, 2005

"Mean Girls" and a meme

We just finished watching "Mean Girls". I've wanted to watch this for a long time. The reason I have given whenever I mentioned that in the past has been that I wanted to see how it treated homeschooling (which is, by the way, really pretty badly, but who's shocked about that? not me), but I will just come clean and admit it, right now, right here:

I wanted to watch it because it looked like a funny movie.

And it was. Even though the previews told us loud and clear, before we even got to the menu (yes we watch previews on purpose. I LIKE previews. I must not be the only one. Right?) that we were about fourteen and nineteen respective years outside the target demographic for the film, we laughed. A lot. I've heard this movie called the Heathers for this generation, and I can see where that comes from. (Query: I wonder if the fashions and attitudes in "Heathers" are as unfathomable to a modern 16-year-old WHO OH GOOD LORD WAS, WHAT, A NEWBORN WEARING BOOTIES AND A LITTLE PINK-FABRIC-COVERED ELASTIC BAND AROUND HER HEAD WITH A BOW ON IT WHEN HEATHERS WAS MADE as the fashions in "Mean Girls" were to me. I mean, come on. There are about five million more flattering styles for girls' jeans than low-rise boot-cuts. But I guess "flattering" isn't necessarily what we're aiming for nowadays.)

Also, the whole bit about friend C rejoicing a little when friend A gets mad at friend B because that means that friend C can get closer to friend A -- eerily, creepily familiar. And I couldn't figure out why until I remembered the dynamics of this one trio of girls, of which I was one, where there was a friend A, and then friend B and C (I and another girl) were constantly jockeying for the position Right Next to friend A. Sometimes not very nicely.

Thank you, God, that I will never ever have to go to junior high or high school again. Oh, God, thank you.

And then I stole this from KiwiRia:

List five fictional people -- from television, movies, books, whatever -- that you had a crush on as a child (or early teens). Then post this on your [journal] so other people can know what a dork you've always been.

1. The most memorable was Justin from Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Just finished rereading this book and I can still see why. ;-)
2. Stan Crandall from Fifteen by Beverly Cleary. The button-down shirts! The politeness! The dip in his hair!
3. Like KiwiRia, I must confess to having had a thing -- just a LITTLE thing -- for Uncle Jesse from Full House.
4. Jim Craig in "The Man From Snowy River".
5. Frank Hardy in the Hardy Boys series.

Posted by Rachel on February 3, 2005 12:49 PM in movies | oh, great, another meme


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