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Monday, February 28, 2005

Stupid Thing Number Five Gazillion

I don't make nearly as many stupid mistakes as I used to. Really I don't. But tonight I did a doozy.

I was at community chorus rehearsal and the director was going over some instructions for an upcoming concert. I was sitting next to a homeschooling friend of mine, and we were already clear on the instructions he was giving, so we were being Underachieving Troublemakers, and chatting (as were three-quarters of the rest of the group). I mentioned that I was tired because T had had to go in to work so late last night and I'd stayed awake till he got home.

(At this point I have to interrupt myself and explain something. T's dad has exactly the same name as T. T's dad lives in our town and for the past year or so has been a real estate agent. EVERY SINGLE DAY someone will come up to T at work, and frequently to me as I go about my business around town, and make some comment about how T must be really busy with a full-time job PLUS a real estate business. This is small-town life for you. Anyway, we are really tired of explaining this situation. Back to the story.)

So my friend said, "Well, T is a realtor, right? What's he have to do in the middle of the night?"

I rolled my eyes, kind of snorted, and said, "That's my FATHER-IN-LAW, my FATHER-IN-LAW," in this semi-mock-annoyed tone of voice.

Right as the rest of the choir fell utterly silent and everyone including the director was staring directly at me, being the really bad (and loud, now that the room was silent) underachiever who was talking to her neighbor instead of paying attention to the teacher. It was really embarrassing. They probably think I run with scissors and waste paste, too.

Posted by Rachel on February 28, 2005 11:54 PM in I dunno, I thought it was funny... | Stupid Things Rachel Does


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