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Monday, March 14, 2005

jam, man, jam

You might be a homeschooler if:

  • Your eight-year-old son gets in an argument with his sister and you overhear him saying, "Well, so be it. If that's the way you want to be..."
  • The "carrot on the stick" at the end of the schoolday (for you AND the kids) is the promise of getting to make a soil/sand/soil parfait in a jar, and add worms, to see what happens.
  • Your children know far more about Jane Austen and astronomy than they do about Pokemon or Saturday-morning cartoons.
  • Your child sees a TV commercial for the first time at the age of five and asks you to make it stop.
  • Your kids love Ramona Quimby, but they can't identify with her because she spends so much time at school.
  • Your child asks you to turn off your music while he does his math, as it is "a great distraction."
  • You leave the children with your husband to go to the doctor and run errands, and continually look around you, freaking out because you can't help feeling you've forgotten them somewhere.
  • You no longer even know what kind of shoes are "cool".
  • You forget that most people can't just take off for a family vacation without waiting for a school holiday.
  • You're so used to people thinking you're some kind of freak that you don't even think about it anymore.

P.S. Kristen, I bet you thought I wouldn't do it.

Posted by Rachel on March 14, 2005 11:08 PM in homeschooling | kids | motherhood


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