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Friday, March 11, 2005
reflections from a sick person
A few facts about me and sickness:
- There are muscles involved in coughing that I didn't even know I had.
- I buy tea bags at Costco. This week, since my new "comfort food" seems to be tea and toast, that's a very good thing. (actually it's because I go through about thirty bags a week in the summer, making sun tea, but it's also convenient when I'm making a cup of hot tea every forty-five minutes. Now if I could just keep track of my cups so that I don't have every coffee cup in our house dirty at the same time, that would be progress. Also, I heart my teakettle. Anything that whistles when it's done to remind me that I'm using it has my stamp of approval at this stage.)
- We buy the not-terribly-soft-but-long-lasting 1000-sheet rolls of Scott toilet paper. (wow, bet that just made your day, finding that out.) Remember in a previous post, I mentioned that I could not find a box of tissues, so I was using a roll of toilet paper instead? I just finished off the roll. So it lasted, hmm, about thirty-six hours.
- The underside of my nose should have its own Crayola named after it. "Rachel's Raw Nose Red". Catchy, no? It's so very attractive.
- From the time I had LT up until last year, other than hospitalizations for c-sections and some complications from C's birth, I was never sick enough to have to drastically change my daily routine. Everyone else in the house would get sick, everyone else in the COUNTY would get sick, but I was fine. I think that this was God's way of making sure that someone in the house could take care of everyone else. I'm serious, I really do. And now that the kids are old enough to take care of themselves a bit better, I guess the germs are making up for lost time.
- Last night I reached the point where I was unable to envision a time when I would ever not be sick. I would be hacking and sneezing and feverish at the kids' college graduations, that sort of thing. Today, however, I am at the point where I feel like it's patently ridiculous that I've let this alter my behavior for so long, and if I just snap out of it, I'll be fine. Not sure which is less realistic.
- Ice cream is no fun when you can't taste it. What a waste of six hundred calories.
I'm going to go answer the siren song of the couch now.
P.S. My brain is so, um, absent -- that's it, absent -- today that I posted this to the wrong blog and then had a little rant at Blogger when it kept not showing up where I thought it was supposed to. I think maybe I should not be allowed out of the house today.
Posted by Rachel on March 11, 2005 09:10 AM in I dunno, I thought it was funny...
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