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Tuesday, April 05, 2005
We are going to make a poem.
(this is my THIRD ENTRY for this calendar day. I am firing them out, it seems.)
If you've been reading online journals for more than five minutes or so you've probably seen the meme where you ask your readers to grab a book and read the such and such line from such and such page and post it in their blogs. I just saw a little twist on it over at someone else's journal, where you ask the people to post the answers in the comments and then add them all together to make a little poem. Such a clever idea that I had to steal it.
So. Grab the nearest book to you (you know the drill, no going to the bookshelf and pulling off your copy of Plato, seriously the one that's really closest to you at your computer), and open it to page -- let's say 18. In case someone ends up using a children's book, it'll be sure to have at least that many pages. Find the first complete sentence on that page and quote it in my comments section. And then if you want to do this on your own journal you're more than welcome to do it there too. :)
Thank you for humoring me. :)